defensive line
How to Drill Double Team Destruction

In this article, I will continue to go through how I teach my players to defeat different blocks and will provide some of the drills that I use in order to help them beat the blocks they will see each game. Double teams are very tough for defensive linemen to take on and beat. In my ...

How to Drill Reach Block Destruction

After my players have learned base block destruction, I go on to teach them how to defeat a reach block. With reach blocks, the offensive lineman will try to get to the outside shoulder of the defensive lineman and “hook” them, cutting them off from the rest of the play. In a head-up position, ...

Defensive Line 101: Stance and Start Drills

Every linemen must have a great start and stance if they want to be successful. And as coaches, we must have a solid teaching progression to achieve that goal. If you wish your defensive linemen to have success either rushing the passer or stuffing the run, they'll have to have a solid start and ...

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